Runny Legs
Jenny Nakamura
Hi! My name is Jenny and I’m a runner (trail & road), race enthusiast, travel fanatic working through a never ending sense of wanderlust, vegan foodie, new product lover & kitty lover. I’m sharing reviews, race recaps, the occasional recipe & home update here. You can find more of my adventures on Instagram @runnylegs.
About Me
Runner, Adventurer, Traveler & Vegan Foodie
Welcome to Runny Legs! My name is Jenny and I live in San Diego with my husband Sean and our four kitties. I am a runner, both trail and road, vegan foodie, Peloton lover. I love to travel with Sean, exploring new places, specifically new trails & beautiful locations. We like to find yummy vegan food to eat where ever we go & we love trying new things.
I’ve been running, eating & traveling my whole life, but didn’t start running endurance events until 2011. Since then, I’ve done a mix of road & trail races, everything from 5ks, 1/2 marathons (60+), marathons to 50ks (30+), 50 milers and 2 100ks.
I did my first 50k in April 2015 at Leona Divide incidentally the same race that a few years earlier Sean ran his first ultra, the 50 miler. I love it and there isn’t nearly as much pressure to run fast as there is at road races! Since then, I’ve run a bunch of 50 milers and 2 100k races.
I’ve spent a lot of time helping to crew Sean while he runs ultra distance events (so far up to 200 miles). I love meeting new runners and hearing about their stories on how they got to the start line.
Almost all of my memories revolve around food somehow – If the food wasn’t good, I don’t remember it so moral of the story, always eat good food! That being said, while I absolutely love dessert & French Fries, I try really hard to eat as many veggies as possible.
I went vegan around the end of 2017 and it’s made me appreciate cooking so much more. I love coming up with fun and unique recipes. I cook lunch for us almost every day and dinners most nights. Vegan cooking has made cooking so much more fun for me than it used to be.
As far as travel, I’ve lived in 5 states & spent a year living in Italy. I’ve run races in a number of states and some other countries. My travel bucket list is a mile long and it all revolves around beautiful places.
I look forward to sharing my journey through running, cycling, eating and traveling along with some day to day stuff too! Enjoy!