Things have been really crazy the past 2 weeks, between our biggest monthly event of the year at work, not being able to sleep more than 4 hours a night, the heat & humidity and excitement about my upcoming trip to San Fran, I’ve had some ups and downs exercise wise these last 2 weeks.
So here goes…
Jul 7 – 13
Monday: 45 min run – Actual: 4.85 mi in 45:03 9:17 avg pace
Tuesday: 45 min Tempo Run – Actual: 5.19 mi in 45:02 8:40 avg pace – on Treadmill
Wednesday: 60 min bike ride – Actual: 60 min inside, 21.07 miles
Thursday: 45 min hill repeats – Actual: 25 min on hills (this is the day if you follow me on Instagram, you’d know, I got kicked off the hill because it was a private street, oops) finished up after work with another 20 min on the treadmill. Total mileage 3.81
Friday: Strength Training – Actual: skipped
Saturday: Long Run 90 min – Actual: 9.64 miles in 1:29:42, 9:18 avg pace but there were a few stops for stretching, my calves have been super tight
Sunday: Rest Day with Stretching & Foam Rolling – Actual: Drove in the car for 4 hours which isn’t very restful and did a little stretching

All in all this wasn’t a bad week – I just am having a mental block on getting past a certain mile number for my run times.
Jul 14 – 20
This week was a bit different and didn’t go nearly as well as the previous week. I don’t think I slept more than 4 hours any day this week, until Saturday night, although I was awaken by a work text at 3:56am which is always fun. My diet was off because of the events and being at the hotel and I just wasn’t very motivated, which happens from time to time.
Monday: 45 min run – Actual: 3.01 miles 26:59 8:58 avg pace in the morning, it was so unbelievable humid I split the run, 2.25 miles on the treadmill in the afternoon 20 min
Tuesday: was supposed to be a 45 min tempo run Actual: I had to work from 6am – 8:30pm so I asked to have the day off, plus my knee was bothering me so I thought it was good to take an extra rest day
Wednesday: 45 min tempo run – Actual: 4.65 miles 45 min 9:41 avg pace on treadmill, I was still feeling a bit of a twinge in my knee when I went too fast so I backed off on the speed and just ran
Thursday: 45 min run – Actual: Rest Day I actually felt like I was going to fall asleep the entire day at work, took a nap by the pool and felt better
Friday: Strength Training – Actual: Another rest day with another nap after work, although, I ended up working for an additional 2 hours later in the afternoon
Saturday: 2 hour long run – Actual: 10 miles 1:35:20 9:32 avg pace – I misread my schedule oops, I was supposed to do 2 hours but since I’ve been doing 1:30 for the longest time, that’s what I had in my head

Sunday: Rest day with stretching & foam rolling – Actual: real rest day, I finally slept practically the whole night, only woke up 2 times and was able to fall back asleep both times
Obviously more rest was needed last week and some weeks are going to be like that. While it’s not as hot as I remember it being last year, it’s definitely been a LOT more humid for us and I know that’s playing a role in my training. Less than a week from my 19th half. I’m excited to be running in a new city and having a lot of friends to visit with.
Until next time, keep running!